Poker Online Strategy Tips

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Online Poker Strategy – Poker Tips to Help Beginners Play a Winning Game of Poker Posted on Mar 19, 2012 Updated on Sep 7, 2018 by Tim Glocks Since poker is a game of skill as well as chance, players can increase their chances of winning by employing the correct poker strategies. Fortunately, if you’re looking to hone your three-betting skills and take your game to the next level, our online poker strategy guide is on hand to help. Covering the essential skills and ideas you need to grasp in order to become a profitable grinder, our strategy tips will give you a solid foundation from which build your bankroll. Online Texas Holdem Poker Strategies and Tips. Last but not least is online poker and all of the nuances that come with this format. Just like live games require specific adaptation, you also need to adjust your Texas Holdem strategy and how you approach the game in an online setting, so let's cover this topic.

Online poker strategies

If you’ve got a grip of the basics strategy of poker and doing it right, you might soon realize you need to up your game by learning some basic poker strategy. Poker strategies are certainly your gateway to master the game and remain consistent with your winnings, this is the beginning of your poker career. Considering you are starting off, the idea is to be able to play great poker without losing too much and all of it while having fun. Here are a few basic Indian poker strategies to get you started with.

Online poker strategies for beginners

Online poker tournaments strategy tips

1. Be patient

As a poker amateur when you begin playing, you are often tempted to play bad hands, pegging your hopes to catch something on the turn or river, well you’re setting yourself up to be eaten alive by a shark and be left with a dismissal chip stack. This brings us to our very first basic online poker strategy, learn to be patient.
As a poker player, you are often dealt with losing/bad hands. The idea is to not fall for the trap and play these hands, this is where your knowledge on starting poker hand ranges comes into play. When this fundamental comes into play, you’ll soon realize that poker strategy is not about the hands you play, but the hands you fold.
So on the onset of your poker journey, we recommend you fold more hands than you play. Don’t get impatient to steal the pot with a bad hand. While you might sit out of the action and feel left out during the hand, use the time to observe your opponent’s online poker strategy. When you don’t have to focus on your hand, you can focus on everyone else’s on the poker table. Poker strategy: If you don’t have a strong hand and the odds are not in your favour, fold and be patient.

2. Observation is the name of the game

Poker strategy is all about outfoxing your opponent, in common poker parlance: Play the player, not your cards. This is a game of relativity and you need to remember how good or bad your hand completely depends on what your opponent is holding.
Imagine you are dealt pocket kings, a great starting hand, but your opponent holds pocket aces. You are likely beat with only a 28% chance of winning.
To be able to assess what your opponent is holding, one needs to watch out for their ‘poker tells’. A tell is a pattern, could be a nervous body language in live poker or wager sizes in online poker. If you’ve observed your opponent well enough, you will be aware of the patterns he/she follows which is a part of their poker strategy.
Now imagine you are dealt A-Q, another great starting hand, but let’s say your opponent has pocket Kings. The flop runs Q-8-7. While you did flop a queen pair, your opponent is already playing you on a higher pair and you’ve put yourself ahead with only a 20% chance of winning.
You may ask, how do you know what your opponent has? Well, poker strategy 101, observation is the name of the game! This is when the observations/tells of your opponent come into play in an online poker strategy. Questions to assess his hand strength, depending on his/her action:
- Has the opponent slow played big hands previously? - Play more cautiously then - Has the opponent leveraged strong cards on the board to bluff and steal the pot? - Call or even raise in these situations. - Has the opponent mostly called and only raised when he has an unbeatable hand? - Fold it
Poker strategy: You snooze you lose.

3. Learn poker aggression

Being patient and waiting for the right cards will only take you that far in terms of poker strategy. You’ll soon realize you have to wager to win. But the wager needs to be timed and focused which plays out as poker aggression. As you master basic online poker strategy, you’ll learn the need for aggression at the table.
Playing cautiously is one thing, but amateur players often check when they should wager and call when they should be raising. High value opening hands like A-K should be played more aggressively as per online poker strategy. The aggression ensures you don’t give weak hands the outs or you force your opponent to pay to stay in the hand. The lack of aggression often comes back to bite a player as per poker strategy. Imagine underplaying pocket kings on the flop only to have your opponent clinch a straight with 8-4.
A weak play like this ensures your opponent labels you as an amateur on the table. Cautious play (when you occasionally wager or raise) will have you succumb to the stronger players on the table who now know your tell and will hope for you to buckle under pressure. Aggression is a great way to build a sizable pot as per poker Indian poker strategy. Ensure your milk that value with some aggressive play, now that's the poker strategy we are talking about!
Poker Strategy: The right aggression ensures you push more players out of the pot or ensures your opponent pays to see each card.

4. Play for the long run

In a game of poker, it’s important to accept that you're going to lose sometimes. But it’s important to understand why you lost. Often when your pocket aces are cracked by pocket nines that caught a set on the river, you tend to feel discouraged. These type of losses (bad beats) are purely a consequence of mathematical odds.
It’s important as a beginner to not allow these bad beats to affect you. As per poker strategy, while in the short run the odds may not be in your favour, in the long run, pocket aces is beating pocket nines more often. Poker is all about learning to get your hand in right and that will come only with practice. Playing thousands of hands in real money poker settings is what will teach you online poker strategy. It’s the only way to get your fundamental rights and not base your poker strategy on a small hand sample size. Making up for losses with bad wagers is poor poker strategy after all.
Poker strategy: Learn poker for the long run.

5. Constantly work on your game

Poker Online Strategy Tips Free

The most basic poker strategy is to never stop learning. While live experiences like your wins and losses serve as great learning, there’s a lot to learn about poker strategy from blogs, coaches, books and great video content. Work hard to get access to the right sources so you learn great poker strategy. Learn to keep notes and be a critique of your own game. Rise up in stakes as you learn poker strategy ground up.


Every poker player develops their own unique online poker strategy as they advance. Learn the basics and understand what poker strategy works for your game. You will have great days and even worse days in poker, but it’s important to not lose heart when things don’t go your way. Don’t write off your skills, in fact go back to the board, and unlearn! There’s so much to learn when it comes to poker strategy and only the ones who learn remain relevant in today's game of poker.


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Tips and Strategies for Playing 5 Card Draw Poker

5 Card Draw is the game where a majority of everyone learned how to play poker and was quite popular in western TV shows, movies and at home poker games. But in the last few years, it has taken a back seat to more popular poker games such as Hold’em, Omaha, and even Stud.

Poker Online Strategy Tips For Beginners

Recently however, many online poker rooms have been including more mixed and draw poker games including 5 Card Draw. This is really a good thing, especially for beginners, as 5 Card Draw is the purest form of poker mainly because all the elements that are used in poker such as starting hands, playing position along with pot odds are utilized so much more in 5 Card Draw than in other poker games. And for those of you that are not familiar with these subjects, 5 Card Draw can be a rather difficult game to make money from.

Having said that, provided below are some 5 Card Draw tips and strategies that players can benefit from when playing their next cash game.

Poker Online Strategy Tips &

Top 5 Card Poker Tips and Strategies

What players will want to try to do when making decisions in five-card draw is keep the basic fundamentals of starting hands, position, and odds in the back of their mind at all times.

Poker Online Strategy Tips 2020

To begin with, players will want to be sure to start with very good starting hands which will also be based on what position they are in. For example, a player that is sitting in early position say under the gun or one seat to the left of the player UTG will want to play hands that have premium pairs such as Kings and Aces with a slight mix of Queens and Jacks to mix it up. When playing from early position players will also want to raise the pot to try to chase others out who may have only drawing hands. Players will want to be sure to stay with these kinds of hands since being out of position on the drawing round is such a huge disadvantage. Even with an opponent calling, a player in early position will not know if their opponent has a pat hand or how many cards they will need to draw to a better hand.

Online Poker Strategy Tips


Players in middle position can open up a bit and add more of the pairs into the mix if a player in early position has not raised the pot. Pairs like AA-1010 are good to play and should be raised and in late position, pairs as lows as 88 can be played and raised as long as no one has raised before you. Late position players can even play drawing hands such as flushes and straights as well as long as there are callers before you to make sure you have the correct odds to do so.

Other pairs can arguably be played, but the point of having a pair is to try to draw out to trips or better. In the scenario that you miss the trips when drawing, a player will want to have a strong pair to play if they go to showdown. So the bottom line is that small pairs really should not be played all that often, if at all, and if played it should be done for as cheap as possible.

After the first betting round, position will play a huge factor. For example, if a player in early position only takes one card, an opponent can deduce that the early player has either 2 pair, or a draw to a flush or straight. If a player in late position only has 1 pair, draws 3 cards, and misses their 3 of a kind, they now know that they are probably beat by the early position player since they more than likely have a made hand. This will not always be the case as it will depend on how tight or loose the players are at the table. But this should demonstrate the importance of position; players can use this information to save money on the final betting round.

Lastly, is how a player uses odds to determine if they should play draws or not. There is a rule of thumb in 5 Card Draw in regards to playing gut-shot straight draws – Don’t! The possibility of hitting a gut-shot draw is about 11 to 1 and more often than not, players will just not have the correct implied odds to call a bet to chase the types of hands.

Poker online strategy tips for beginners

On the other hand, 4 cards to a flush will give a player 4 to 1 odds on average and open ended straight draws will a bit higher at about 5 to 1. As long as the pot odds are offering higher than these odds at the time you need to make a call, it is mathematically correct to chase your draws. Hands like this should only be played in late position so that you can see what your opponents may be drawing to gauge the strength of your hand should you catch your outs or miss them.

Final Tip for Playing 5 Card Draw Poker Online

There really are not many special secret special plays such as check raises or bluffs in 5 Card Draw. The strategies that a player needs to implement into their game are straightforward and are simply the fundamentals that are required in any poker game such as starting hands, position, and pot odds. Since the use of these fundamentals are amplified so much more in 5 Card Draw verses other poker games, once players have a firm grasp of these concepts they will do well not only in five card draw but in any poker game they wish to play.